The Seamstress

I speak to you today about a woman of immense virtue, a humble seamstress named Dorcas.
Dorcas, you may recall, comes to us from the Book of Acts, Chapter 9. She is often known by her Greek name, Tabitha. The scriptures tell us she was "full of good works and acts of charity." This was a woman of kindness, of generosity, of love.
Now, it's easy to look at the grand figures of the Bible, the Davids and the Moseses, the Esthers and the Marys, and be inspired by their deeds. But today, we honour the simple, everyday kindnesses. Today, we honour Dorcas.
What was Dorcas' gift to the world? She sewed. She sewed tunics and garments for those who had none. She didn't part the Red Sea or conquer giants; she saw a need and filled it with the skills she had. And she did it not for glory, not for fame, but out of the kindness of her heart.
There is a lesson here for us all. Each of us, in our own way, have been given gifts by the Almighty. We may not all be mighty kings or prophets, but we all have the capacity for kindness, for charity. We can all be a Dorcas in our own way.
I hear some of you say, "But I am just one person. What can I do?" That is the voice of doubt, the voice that would keep us from realising our full potential in the eyes of the Lord. And to that, I say, remember Dorcas.
Dorcas was one woman, a seamstress. Yet, when she passed away, the community wept. They called for Peter, showed him the garments she had made. They were a testament to her kindness, her charity. Her acts of love had touched so many that her loss was felt deeply. One person's kindness had brought a community together in grief and then in joy, when Peter, by the grace of God, brought her back.
What we learn from Dorcas is that it's not about the magnitude of the act, it's about the magnitude of the heart behind it. We are all capable of extraordinary acts of kindness. We can all impact the lives of those around us. We can all be a beacon of God's love, as Dorcas was.
Let's remember Dorcas, the seamstress of Joppa. Let's remember the value of kindness, of charity, of love. And let's remember that we each have the power to be a light in the world.
Remember Dorcas, not because of the miracles that surrounded her, but because of her humble, earnest charity. In her, we find the blueprint for everyday sainthood, for quiet acts of goodness that resonate like the sweetest melodies in the heart of humanity.
There is a Dorcas in each one of us, ready to shine through simple acts of kindness. We can lend a helping hand to our neighbour, give a warm smile to a stranger, listen with patience and understanding to a troubled friend, or share our resources with those who have less.
Let us strive to be like Dorcas. Let us find the unique gifts we have been given, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant, and use them to spread love and kindness in the world. For it is through such acts, that we truly manifest the love of God.