Wisdom in the Rearview Mirror

Wisdom in the Rearview Mirror

Wisdom isn't just about having knowledge; it's about applying it through the lens of God's will.

8 mins

The Songs of Ascent

The Songs of Ascent

The Psalms of Ascents remind us that with every step, we're moving closer to God's kingdom.

3 mins

Pouring Out Our All

Pouring Out Our All

Like the woman with the perfume, let us pour out our hearts in devotion to Jesus.

8 mins

Living Waters

Living Waters

Like a stream in the desert, the living waters of faith revive us in times of spiritual drought.

4 mins

Who is the Greatest?

Who is the Greatest?

The path to true greatness? It's paved with kindness, humility, and service.

3 mins

From Rules to Righteousness

From Rules to Righteousness

Ever wondered why Jesus challenged the Pharisees over handwashing? It's all about the heart vs. the letter of the law.

8 mins

The Flaw in Flawless

The Flaw in Flawless

Are we too obsessed with being flawless? Let's explore how embracing our imperfections can lead to a deeper, more authentic life.

3 mins

Embracing Diversity in Faith

Embracing Diversity in Faith

Lessons on unity from Romans 15 and 16.

8 mins

Living for Likes: Is There More to Life?

Living for Likes: Is There More to Life?

In a world obsessed with likes and praise, where do we find real worth?

3 mins

Bridging Faith

Bridging Faith

The lessons of James remind us: Faith is seen in our actions, not just heard in our words.

8 mins

Lessons from Leprosy

Lessons from Leprosy

Baptism: our own spiritual cleansing, symbolised through ancient rituals and fulfilled in Christ.

4 mins

Standing Together: Revelation's Message for a New Year

Standing Together: Revelation's Message for a New Year

Start your year with a message of peace and togetherness.

4 mins