Treasure in Jars of Clay

Treasure in Jars of Clay

Have you ever thought about the power of a cracked pot? It may seem unfit for use, yet it can create a beautiful pattern of light when illuminated from within. In much the same way, God often uses our imperfections and cracks as conduits for His perfect light.

Our lives are filled with blemishes and scars, each telling a story of battles fought, lessons learned, and sometimes, lessons still in progress. But here’s the thing - God isn’t looking for perfection. Instead, He takes our imperfections and fills them with His light, creating something uniquely beautiful.

The Apostle Paul understood this when he wrote to the Corinthians, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us” (2 Corinthians 4:7). We are those jars of clay, imperfect and fragile, yet holding a treasure beyond measure.

Just as a cracked pot allows light to seep through, our cracks and imperfections allow God’s light to shine through us, often in ways we can’t even fathom. So, let’s embrace our imperfections, knowing that in our weakness, His light shines brightest. It is in our cracks and flaws that His perfect light finds a way to shine out into the world.

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