The Songs of Ascent

Imagine walking along a winding path, one that stretches towards the horizon with an array of steps, each leading you closer to a destination filled with promise. This journey, though beautiful, isn't without its hurdles. Now, picture the Psalms of Ascents, a collection of songs that echo the spirit's walk towards God's kingdom. They're not just ancient texts; they're a playlist for our spiritual journey, especially during times when despair seems to overshadow hope.
In the heart of these Psalms, there's no mention of their writer, which adds to their universality. Many believe that King Hezekiah, facing the threat of the Assyrians and a personal health crisis, compiled these fifteen Psalms. Imagine being in Hezekiah's sandals: the city's defenses are crumbling, a menacing enemy at the gates, and to top it off, you're gravely ill. It's the epitome of when things go from bad to worse. Yet, it's in this backdrop of despair, as outlined in Isaiah 38, that the Psalms of Ascents find their voice.
Hezekiah's reaction to his circumstances gives us a template for dealing with our own valleys of shadow. Faced with no earthly solutions, he turned to God in prayer, a moment of complete surrender. This act of faith wasn't in vain. Jerusalem was miraculously spared, and Hezekiah's life was extended. This pattern of despair, turning to God, and redemption echoes through Psalms 120 to 134, encapsulating the essence of our spiritual ascent.
The idea of ascending isn't just a metaphor. These steps, or degrees, reflect our own spiritual journey. Life, with its myriad challenges, is a series of steps towards a deeper faith. Just as Hezekiah eventually placed his trust in God after exhausting all other options, we too learn to depend on God, step by step. Psalm 125 compares those who trust in the Lord to Mount Zion, unmovable, surrounded and protected by God's presence. This imagery is powerful; it reassures us of God's unwavering support, even when our earthly securities, like pensions or healthcare, might fail us.
Then, let's think about Jesus. The Psalms of Ascents, like much of the Old Testament, prefigure his life and ministry. Jesus, more than anyone, would have found depth and meaning in Hezekiah's story and these Psalms. His life was a series of ascending steps: from his youth to his baptism by John, and finally, to Golgotha. In his darkest hour, he placed ultimate trust in God, a trust that led to the redemption of humanity.
As we commemorate Jesus' sacrifice through bread and wine, we're reminded of the trust he placed in his Father, even when it seemed he was forsaken. It's this trust that the Psalms of Ascents encourage in us, a trust that transforms our deepest despairs into steps towards spiritual elevation.
In Psalm 134, the final Psalm of Ascents, we're called to bless the Lord at all times, standing in His house, even by night. This represents the culmination of our journey — a continuous trust in God, regardless of our circumstances. As we navigate our own series of ascents, let's hold onto this pattern of despair, turning to God, and rejoicing in redemption. Our paths might be fraught with challenges, but like the pilgrims of old, our steps, guided by trust in God, lead us ever upward.