Reality Checks

Today, we embark on a journey through the Gospel to explore the theme of "reality checks", those pivotal moments that challenge our understanding and commitment to faith. Each event in the life of Jesus and his followers brings to light the profound truth about the nature of discipleship.
The Challenge of True Discipleship
Let's begin with the women watching from afar as Jesus was crucified, as detailed in Matthew 27. Here, they confront the painful reality of their commitment. Their physical distance from the cross might mirror our own emotional or spiritual distance when following Jesus becomes challenging. It makes us wonder, how close are we to the cross in our daily lives? Are we fully committed, or do we keep a safe distance to avoid discomfort?
The Misunderstanding of Kingdom Rewards
Next, we reflect on Salome’s request in Matthew 20. Salome, seeking assurance of high places for her sons in Jesus' kingdom, faces a reality check about the nature of Jesus' kingdom. It isn't about worldly status or power; it’s about service and sacrifice. This episode invites us to examine our own motivations in following Jesus. Are we in it for the heavenly rewards we hope to claim, or are we motivated by genuine love and devotion?
The Insight of the Marginalised
In the story of Bartimaeus from Mark 10, a blind man sees what those with sight often overlook—the true identity of Jesus as the Messiah. Bartimaeus responds with immediate faith, throwing aside his cloak and approaching Jesus, a symbolic act of shedding his old life for a new one. His story contrasts sharply with those who, despite seeing, fail to perceive the truth about Jesus. It challenges us to consider what we need to cast aside to see Jesus more clearly and follow him more closely.
The Intimacy of the Last Supper
The Last Supper, as described in Matthew 26, brings another reality check. Here, Jesus shares the cup, signifying the new covenant through his blood, even as he reveals the imminent betrayal. This moment underscores the cost of our commitment to Jesus—a commitment that might lead to personal betrayals or sacrifices. Do we grasp the depth of this covenant with Christ in our daily interactions and choices?
The Final Reality Check: The Cross
Finally, the crucifixion itself, the ultimate reality check, questions the very essence of our faith. It is here, at Calvary, where we see the cost of messiahship fully displayed. The cross is not just a historical event; it's a daily call to take up our own crosses. The criminal on the cross recognizes Jesus as king, a stark contrast to the disciples who fled. His last-minute confession and recognition of Jesus' kingdom forces us to ask: do we only turn to Jesus in our final moments, or do we live every day in the light of his kingship?
Embracing the Reality of Faith
These snapshots from the Gospels not only reveal the challenges of discipleship but also invite us to deeper commitment. They prompt us to reevaluate our proximity to the cross, reassess our motivations, recognize the truths we might be blind to, understand the depth of our covenant with Christ, and live daily in the reality of His kingship.
As we move forward this week, let us reflect on where we stand in relation to these reality checks. Are we watching from a distance, or are we fully engaged? Are our motives pure? What might we need to throw aside to follow Jesus more faithfully? How do we live out the covenant of the Last Supper?
Let these questions guide us as we seek to be not just hearers of the Word, but doers, actively participating in the unfolding story of faith.