KISS - Keep it Simple, Stupid!

Ever stood in a crafts shop, peering at a DIY gadget, only to scratch your head and mumble, “If only this came with instructions”? The KISS principle, funnily enough, emerged from engineers in the 1960s who asserted that most systems work best if they are kept simple. Imagine if all gadgets followed this principle! Now, what if I told you this applies to something even more crucial than a DIY project? The gospel itself.
It sounds peculiar, doesn't it? The divine, mysterious, and majestic gospel boiled down to simplicity? But bear with me. Have you ever pondered why, amidst the hustle and bustle, sometimes we overlook the sheer simplicity of the gospel message?
When I was a lad, I used to struggle with tying my shoelaces. One day, after another mangled attempt, my mum just leaned in, her fingers nimbly tying them up, and she said, “Remember, love, the basics, and you won’t trip.” That's the gospel for us. Simple, accessible, and always there to ensure we don’t trip in life.
Jesus, in all His grandeur, is also wonderfully approachable. While His sacrifice was profound and life-changing, His call to us is candid. Have you ever imagined Jesus not just as a divine figure, but also, perhaps, as a mate you'd invite over for a cuppa?
When was the last time you caught yourself in a tough spot and wished you had someone trustworthy to confide in? Who better than Jesus? You don’t need an appointment, and He’s never too busy. Sounds refreshing, doesn’t it?
Think about this: In Romans 8:38-39, it’s said, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” How's that for loyalty? Makes your favourite footie team's dedication seem a tad pale in comparison, eh?
A bit ago, I found myself lost in London during a rainstorm (classic British weather, right?). The streets became a maze, and I had a moment of pure panic. But then, I remembered a simple guiding principle from my childhood – retrace your steps to the last known point. Suddenly, the complex became clear. It’s the same with the gospel. When life gets overwhelming, we should recall the simple truths that have always anchored us.
Are we making the gospel more convoluted than it needs to be? Do we bury it under rituals, obligations, or misconceptions? What if I told you that having a heart-to-heart with Jesus is as uncomplicated as picking up your mobile and ringing an old mate? Sure, the medium is different – but the sentiment? Spot on.
The gospel's essence is love. God’s love for us and our love for one another. Strip away the theatrics, and it’s about forming a bond. A connection. You don’t need jargon for that, do you?
In the era of 280 characters and instant communication, perhaps we need to think about the gospel in a modern context. Consider it the spiritual equivalent of your favourite snack: simple, fulfilling, and always within arm’s reach.
So, next time you find yourself in a spiritual pickle or just feeling a bit distant, remember KISS. The gospel’s always there, waiting, in its simplest, purest form. No assembly required. How about reaching out? Because who wouldn’t want a mate like Jesus?