Oh Lord, my heart sings out with joy,
For all the blessings You employ.
My soul takes flight, my spirits high,
In gratitude, my thanks apply.
The sun doth rise with golden light,
And fills my world with wondrous sight,
A symphony of colours bright,
That fill my heart with pure delight.
The birds do sing a joyful song,
A chorus that goes on and on,
A melody that's pure and strong,
It fills my soul, all the day long.
My health, my home, my friends, my love,
All blessings sent from up above,
With humble heart and grateful mind,
I thank You for each gift I find.
So let me sing with all my soul,
In praise of You, who makes me whole,
For every breath, both big and small,
I'll thank You, Lord, and give my all.